What's New in QuerySurge 5.0 & 5.1
Our 5.0 and 5.1 simultaneous releases provide great new features, the top one being the ability to stage your data from multiple sources

QuerySurge 5.0
QuerySurge users may have a need to stage external data in QuerySurge in order to use it during test execution. Examples of where this might be useful include the following use cases:
- I can’t set up heterogeneous connectivity between databases, but I need to join across tables in different databases. Does QuerySurge support this?
- I need to join between a flat file and a database table — can I do that in QuerySurge?
- I need to compare incremental rows that have ETL’d in different well-defined time periods. Can I do this in QuerySurge?
In these examples, the data derives:
- from different databases in your environment
- from completely different technologies (i.e. flat file-to-database-table-join example)
- from the same system but at different times
QuerySurge supports these types of tests with the Data Staging feature. This feature allows the user to create Staging Queries that bring the identified data into Staging Tables in QuerySurge, where you can then access it in your QueryPairs, as a regular Source or Target.
To learn more about this feature, the full article can be found here»
QuerySurge 5.1
You requested these changes and we heard you.
We like to add enhancement request releases in conjunction with major functionality releases. Who recommends what should go into the product? You do! You – our customers – have spoken and we have listened and acted. Below are the enhancements that are bundled in release 5.1:
- Scenario Re-run Support — Scenario Re-Run Now Supported from the Run Dashboard!
- QueryPair Path in QueryPair Editor — QueryPair Path now displays in the Design Editor
- Start Times in the Run Dashboard — QuerySurge Run Dashboard now shows both Scheduled and Actual Scenario Start Times
- LDAP – DN attribute search — QuerySurge supports LDAP authentication by attribute (sAMAccountName, etc.) in addition to LDAP Username
- QueryPair Trees — Enhanced tree handling efficiency with improved performance
- QueryPair Editor — The Design QueryPair editors now use a fixed width font
- Support Unsupported HP Vertica data types — LongVarBinary is now supported

The QuerySurge upgrade can be found as a download on the QuerySurge Yammer Network or in the trial installation on our web site. If you would like someone on our support team to discuss this upgrade with you or would like assistance performing this upgrade, please contact your QuerySurge account rep and they will schedule the upgrade meeting at your convenience.
Or try it for yourself. Check out our free trials here ⇒